“Let us give thanks to the Lord our God; for it is right to give God thanks and praise.”
These very expressions above, we, as Church, use to enter into the summit and center of our entire celebration at Mass. These expressions are dependent upon our own prayerful notion of thanksgiving. We unite as one in a community of prayer and faith asking our God to sanctify our humble celebration. For centuries Christians have gathered for Eucharist in this same spirit of thanksgiving, in hope, in trust, and in love.
This week our country celebrates Thanksgiving – and although not a religious holiday, it was from its foundation, a Christian expression of gratitude for the produce of the land – a bountiful harvest; but also, Thanksgiving was an expression of gratitude for friends, family, health, safety, and the ever-present love of Jesus Christ. Let us find in our hearts an expression of gratitude for all that we have, all that we are, all that we can be – because of God. In this month of memorial, let us remember in gratitude those souls who have gone before us in death to new life. And in gratitude, let us remember the life of Blessed Miguel Austin Pro; his life stands as a testimony to the fact that God is with us even when no one else seemingly is. As a martyr for Christ in the Church of Mexico, Bl. Miguel cried out in gratitude and faith “Viva Cristo Rey – Live Christ the King!” He has continued to intercede for people by his witness to the faith.
And so it is that we, my friends, say, Deo Gratia, thank you, Lord. May we continue to empty our hearts in gratitude and be further inspired for the service of Your Greater Glory via our authentic vocation!
A Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving to All from the Vocation Office!
+Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam,
Fr. Charles A. Frederico, SJ
Director of Vocations
Maryland, New England & New York Provinces
These very expressions above, we, as Church, use to enter into the summit and center of our entire celebration at Mass. These expressions are dependent upon our own prayerful notion of thanksgiving. We unite as one in a community of prayer and faith asking our God to sanctify our humble celebration. For centuries Christians have gathered for Eucharist in this same spirit of thanksgiving, in hope, in trust, and in love.
This week our country celebrates Thanksgiving – and although not a religious holiday, it was from its foundation, a Christian expression of gratitude for the produce of the land – a bountiful harvest; but also, Thanksgiving was an expression of gratitude for friends, family, health, safety, and the ever-present love of Jesus Christ. Let us find in our hearts an expression of gratitude for all that we have, all that we are, all that we can be – because of God. In this month of memorial, let us remember in gratitude those souls who have gone before us in death to new life. And in gratitude, let us remember the life of Blessed Miguel Austin Pro; his life stands as a testimony to the fact that God is with us even when no one else seemingly is. As a martyr for Christ in the Church of Mexico, Bl. Miguel cried out in gratitude and faith “Viva Cristo Rey – Live Christ the King!” He has continued to intercede for people by his witness to the faith.
And so it is that we, my friends, say, Deo Gratia, thank you, Lord. May we continue to empty our hearts in gratitude and be further inspired for the service of Your Greater Glory via our authentic vocation!
A Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving to All from the Vocation Office!
+Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam,
Fr. Charles A. Frederico, SJ
Director of Vocations
Maryland, New England & New York Provinces